Tuesday 18 April 2017

> Pact of Umar (RZ) with the people of Aelia Capitolina (Jerusalem)

A copy of the pact hangs outside Masjid Umar near the Church of Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. I have done my best to translate it into English.

" This is what servant of Allah, Umar, commander of the faithful, gave to the people of Aelia (Jerusalem) as (promise of) security. (He) gives them security of their lives, and of their wealth, and of their churches, and of their crosses. And (he gives security) to its poor, and to the innocent and to the rest of (religious) community. And that he does not inhabit (by occupying) their churches and does not destroy them nor decreases them (in size/area). And he does not decrease from their (churches') spaces nor from their crosses (by destroying them), nor (take away) anything from their wealths. And that he does not despise their religion, nor harm any one of them. And does not allow to live in Aelia anyone from the Jews.

And it is upon people of Aelia to pay Jizaya like people of other cities (under Muslim rule). And it is upon them to drive out the Romans and thieves from Aelia. And whoever would (thus) exit (from those), for him will be security for his life and his wealth until he reaches place of safety. And (from those) whoever chooses to live (in Aelia) is in security, and upon him is to pay Jizaya like (rest of the) people of Aelia.

Whoever from the people of Aelia wishes to leave (Aelia) with Romans taking his wealth, and merchandise and crosses with him, they have security for their lives, their merchandise and their crosses until they reach place of safety.

And whoever among them owns land wishes to stay (back), then upon him is to pay Jizaya like (rest of the) people of Aelia. And whoever (from land owners) wishes to leave (Aelia) with Romans, or return to his family, nothing is to be taken from him until harvesting of his crops.

And in this book is the covenant of Allah, and pact (on behalf of) of his messenger. And pact of his caliphs and pact of the believers, if they (people of Aelia) pay them Jizaya (promptly).

Written and attended (by all parties) in 15 AH.

Witnesses on that (pact) are,
Khaalid bin Alwaleed and
Abdurrahman Bin Awf and
Umru bin Alaas and
Muawiyah bin Abusufyan "


Marble Plaque at Masjid Umar in Jerusalem

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